
Various Types of Hay and Their Specific Benefits

Various Types of Hay and Their Specific Benefits

With all of the different varieties of hay available, it can be hard to know which is best for your animals’ feed program. Some hays, like alfalfa, offer a high protein content while others, including timothy hay, have a high palatability preference which makes it appealing to livestock. Having a better understanding of the different types of hay ensures that you can be more confident in knowing that you’re feeding the best diet to your animals.

What is Alfalfa and Why is it So Important?

What is Alfalfa and Why is it So Important?

Alfalfa is a green, leafy legume hay that is commonly added to livestock’s feed programs in order to provide additional nutritional benefits. Unlike other grass hays, alfalfa hay contains a much higher level of protein which can make it an important addition to some animal’s diets, although it may not always be needed. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits provided by alfalfa hay and when it may be necessary to add it to your horses and other livestock’s food.