Timothy Hay

Timothy hay bale on a farm being eaten by a horse.
Several bales of timothy hay in a delivery truck.

Timothy hay is one of the premier cool season grass forage species and is preferred among equestrian enthusiasts. It is moderate but balanced nutritionally, tending to test around 8% crude protein if properly handled. Timothy has a great balance of calcium and phosphorus and good digestibility. One of it’s best attributes is a very high palatibility preference, horses like to eat it! It is also a preferred forage of many small pet species, as it provides a good balance of nutritional value, digestibility and fiber for rabbits and other small mammals. Jamback Farms source only the best Timothy for our customers. It grows best in northern climates and requires relatively large amounts of water for maturation and yield therefore the best Timothy production regions in North America are in the Pacific Northwest, Great Basin and Canada. Jamback carries sourced Canadian Timothy for its local customers, though Timothy from any region the customer prefers is available through the Jamback Direct program. As with all Jamback’s products, this will be clean, cut right and stored with care. Bale weights of 2 string Canadian hay run around 50 lbs.  

Up-close view of timothy hay.